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Postal envelopes with specific adhesives made by Savaré


Hot-melt adhesives for e-commerce boxes, postal envelopes, and shipping packaging

Every day, we entrust items shipped into the hands of those who handle their transportation and ensure they reach their destination intact. In each of these journeys, effective and reliable sealing is a fundamental element in the security chain that protects and guarantees shipments.

Our line of hot-melt and pressure-sensitive adhesives is specifically developed to provide the strong adhesion necessary for envelopes and packaging used by e-commerce, postal services, and couriers to remain sealed and indicate any tampering or damage that may have occurred during their journey.

Industrial hot-melt glue with patented safe-melt packaging
Our hot-melt adhesives play a key role in ensuring the protection of goods during shipping
Savaré accent on adhesives
  • Maximum adhesion
  • Reliability in all temperature and humidity conditions
  • Specific products for every type of envelope, box, and packaging material

Learn more about our products for Packaging market
and ecommerce packaging adhesive